Вечная память: Отошел ко Господу иеромонах Макарий (Фостер)
3 августа в США скоропостижно скончался иеромонах Макарий (Фостер). Его госпитализировали с ударом, влили кровь, вроде стало лучше, шутил, а потом повторный удар, кома, и все.
Отец Макарий окормлял сестер Свято-Иоанновского монастыря на Украине. Царство ему Небесное и вечная память!
This he told me, before he was sent to Ukraine.
He was making his life, a total sacrifice to God, which is the true monastic.
And so he did do.
May he now dwell, forever, in the heavenly courts, in the New Jerusalem, in the bosom of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, where all the saints abide.
May he now attend the Marriage Feast of the Lamb of God, where there is not heard any discouraging word, only....the joyful singing of ALLELUIA!...for ever and ever and ever.
Memory Eternal dear Fr. Makary, and with the Saints Give him rest, O Lord! forgiving all his sins, voluntary and involuntary.
His animals and his flowers and his nuns will miss him.
Rd. Daniel
А матушке Александре и сестрам св. Иоанновского монастыря - сердечное соболезнование..
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Вечная память!
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